After understanding the tricks which are being carried out in and get a used car valuation find it here, and you will definitely opt to buy a new car instead of the old used ones.
Dealers make the swing out of car purchase
With the increasing online access and people using e commerce to sell cars, you never knew who the correct owner of the car is. These ultimately builds up the cost of the vehicle and just imagine there are four dealers for a single car, it means the car valuation needs to take care of the margin of four people and you will be caught in this trap.
Changing the car destination
Dealers are very clever that sometimes they change the name of the car registration and state in order to increase the cost. By doing this the buyer will not clearly know the history of the car.
Modification in car name and register name
The sellers often change the name of the car which is registered and you will have the owner different, in such case make sure that you do a detail background study and then buy. Most of the times if there is an accident registered on the cars name these tricks are used to cover them.
Marketing scam on fast purchase
Many a times the online purchases which come with big discounts and urgency need to be reviewed smartly. This is because in order to get rid of the old car, you see sellers quoting that the car owner is shifting is house to abroad and wants to sell at best price. All these are marketing strategies to sell the worst one at attractive prices.
History of services and repairs
Most of the car dealer when the do the car valuation they hide the fact of number of repairs undertaken and services undertaken.
Car alterations are hidden during selling
The previous car owners would have done lot of alterations to engine in order to make the car run as his wish, but during car valuation all these are hidden.
Engine failures are covered
The engine in the car is the most important element and you see most of the times car dealer play a fun roll out of the performance of the engine. The claims which these car dealers make on the running engine are far more than the reality.
Odometer adjustment
Tampering of odometers is a common activity by seller and hence be careful in that.
Changing of sound systems and battery’s
Most car owners change the sound system in the car during selling, if it is working good and has more value.
Fake certification of regulation aspects
Often sellers cheat buyers by showing certificates which are fake and this is common across pollution certificate and car tax certificates.
Misleading prices
Often dealers mislead the used car valuation to buyers, the never disclose the full price, they always have some hidden prices to make profit.
Cheating through articulation
Dealers use the trick of reading your mindset and express the prices. Yes they say already the car is booked for high price and act as if they are giving you some discount and make you fall in their trap.
Not honouring the prices
A common practices during e auctions, the sellers open auction and when the prices are quoted low, they say the car is not available and cheat the buyers.
Demand and supply
The dealers are very clever in this aspect of selling the car during demand and supply to make the maximum profit out of purchase.
Vehicle condition
The used car valuation often takes few measures in estimating the price and the dealers often mislead the vehicle current condition.
The other key aspects of used car valuation tricks imposed are
- Modifications of the Condition of the car inside –battery and other mechanic stuffs.
- Hiding of condition of the car outside –the fabric, the audio system and tyres.
- Hiding the Factor of driving – making sure that the trial run is success by small repairs
- Records of service of repairs – are changed
- Current market value is over predicted
There will always be a hidden agenda and fact being covered in used car valuation. Make sure that you identify them and does a detail background study before buying a car. With the ultimate motive of car valuation being to make money, never fall for dealers words in terms of lease agreement, down payment or whatever. Think twice and then take a call.