For weeks or months, you’ve been visualizing how you’d want to experience and expect from your hunting trip. The day is fast approaching, and you’ve invested in the equipment you think may come in handy during your hunting adventure. The day arrives, you begin your journey, settle into a camp, open a soda can, and begin to sort your stuff for the actual hunt. It’s at that moment that you notice “OH NO!” you didn’t carry your knife and no one’s going to share that. Trip ruined. We have listed four items to include in your bag before heading for a hunting trip.

4 Items To Take On Your Next Hunting Trip For Extra Preparedness


Do you know you can survive for thirty days without food but not water? Now you know. Water is essential for survival, especially during a hot day out in the wild, hunting. Ensure that most of the weight in your hunting backpack is water.

Hunting Essentials

Normally, this list is long and endless. However, you want to pack light to avoid tiring too much from carrying excessive weight. Invest in AR-15 rifles, a knife, bow, arrows, flashlight, an emergency weather radio, maps, and a compass. Think of the few things that deter a hunting session from becoming successful and include it into your hunting essentials list. It’s also advisable to pack necessary hunting gear. Include your hunting paperwork and weapon licenses to avoid being caught on the wrong side of the law.


In preparation for the unexpected, we recommend tagging along with a first aid kit that’s fully stocked. You never know if the hunt will get longer than expected, forcing you to pick up blisters on your heels or toes from wearing boots for extended periods. You could also accidentally walk into cactus or slip and cut yourself with your knife. Better safe than sorry. Ensure that your first aid kit is well equipped with hand sanitizer, pain killers, Band-Aids, soothing cream, and anti-itch cream.


Walking and hunting all day means utilizing your energy a little faster than usual. You’ll get hungry. Consider packing dried food such as nuts, protein bars, and energy drinks to help boost your energy. If you have enough space to squeeze more food, you could pack your favorite prepackaged frozen-dried meal to keep you re-energized throughout the day.

Simple preparation using this checklist will help you avoid bad experiences during your hunting trip. Don’t allow your long-awaited hunting trip to become less than optimal because you forgot to pack a few essentials.