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High school is the time in a student’s life where more starts happening. From club sports and first jobs to getting a driver’s license, high school students are constantly on the go. As a parent, you may find it overwhelming to keep you and your high school student organized at the same time. After all, they are just learning how to stay on task and manage their schedule so that they are not late for events or so that they do not miss a shift at work. However, with a little push in the right direction, you can keep your child on task to manage their own schedule as best as possible, teaching them vital life skills early on.

Here are a few tips to help you keep your child organized and on the path to success.

1. Set goals.

This is a good way for you, as the parent, to monitor successes and failures. By setting goals, it allows you to teach your child how to plan accordingly so that they meet deadlines, and it gives you the ability to check in easier without having to keep track of the day-to-day tasks.

2. Don’t rush them.

School starts early, but that does not mean that your child has to rush out the door every morning. In fact, by rushing around the house, you both are likely to forget something or start your day more stressed out. Instead, wake them up a half an hour earlier each day to give more time to prepare and put everything together.

3. Buy them a planner.

Give your child the tools they need to achieve the results you are expecting of them. Buy them a planner from somewhere such as to give the right tools for staying organized and on task. Encourage them to use this planner to write things down, such as to do lists, test dates, vacation dates and work shifts. This will also give you a way to check in with your student and see what they have coming up during the week at a glance.

4. Eliminate clutter.

Set a good example for your child by keeping your house free of clutter. Cluttered areas make studying difficult and create a more scattered mind frame, which can stress a student out.

The high school years are exciting with so many activities going on and important classes to do well in. Use these tips to help your high school student stay on task and on track to get into their dream college.

Brian enjoys writing about education. If you’d like more information regarding, please visit