You will find many websites telling you that making a claim for an accident at work is easy and that you will not have to do anything at all to help the process along. Your personal injury lawyer will be doing everything.
Whilst this would be a very attractive situation, it is not entirely true. After all, it is you that are making the claim against the employer and it is you that will get the compensation money at the end of the claim. It is also you that is suffering from an injury and you that is suffering financially because you have been injured. So, obviously, you will have a role to play in the process.
At Accident Advice Helpline we are upfront about this and do not try and pretend that you have nothing to do with the process. Instead, we explain exactly what your role and challenges will be and have put comprehensive procedures in place to help and support you with the whole process.
Challenge One: the Accident at Work Compensation Calculator
For many claimants, the first challenge is using the accident at work compensation calculator. Some clients find using an accident at work compensation calculator more challenging than others. Clients who are confident with using the Web are likely to access the accident at work compensation calculator over the Internet and answer the questions themselves with no help and support from anyone.
However, Accident Advice Helpline recognises that some clients will not feel comfortable doing this. They have established a helpline that clients can ring and they will be helped through the accident at work compensation calculator by a friendly, professional adviser. They do not want these clients to be disadvantaged in any way, therefore they have made the helpline available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week – in the same way the Internet is available for other clients. This ensures that everyone is treated equally and everyone has similar opportunities.
Challenge Two: Paperwork and Fees Associated with a Workplace Accident Claim
Very few people actually enjoy paperwork. Unfortunately, every workplace accident claim will have to involve a certain amount of paperwork and filling in forms. The personal injury lawyers at Accident Advice Helpline try and limit the amount of paper shuffling that their clients have to cope with and try and deal with as much of it as they can on their behalf.
The personal injury lawyers at Accident Advice Helpline will also try and deal with the case over the telephone – very few cases actually end up in court. Most are sorted out in an out of court settlement. You may have to attend one local appointment to have a medical assessment and a report prepared from this, but you will be given plenty of notice and it will not be too far away from your home address.
No workplace accident should involve the challenge of having to pay huge up front legal costs. Accident Advice Helpline avoids this by handling cases on a no win, no fee basis.