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Vital pulpectomy is probably the most common method in the world for treating pulpitis. The indications present in this, are all forms of pulpitis, including acute, chronic or the diffuse gangrenous pulpitis. The method implies the extirpation of pulp by orthopedic indications due to the tooth injury or ineffectiveness of biological methods as well. Pulpectomy is performed in the cases of the root pulp inflammation after vital or non-vital amputation.

With this method the affected pulp is fully extricated from the tooth cavity, and operation is conducted under anesthesia, so that the patient does not feel pain while being operated for the condition. In contrast to the non-vital extirpation, pulp is not previously devitalized.

What to expect from the procedure? Dentists in Rhode Island tell us about the details of the procedure: «During your first visit to the dentist, after providing the local anesthesia, the pulp cavity is dissected; the infected dentins as well as the destroyed enamel are removed. Then, the pharmacological treatment of the cavity is carried out, the cavity is dried, and the tooth cavity follix is cut with a sterile dental drill. Then the coronal and root pulp is removed, the bleeding is stopped, and the length of the channel is measured. Then with the help of special tools the root canal is expanded, ensuring the correct concavity. After the treatment of the root canal is processed and performed with each tool, the cavity in medical preparations is ready to destroy pathogenic organisms present. After all the manipulations, the root canal is filled. The temporary filling is inserted and the appointment for the next visit is made with the dentist.

»Vital Pulpectomy

During the second visit the tooth is examined by percussion and palpation. If the dentist finds that everything is normal, the temporary filling is removed, the processing in medical preparation in provided. Then the permanent sealing with a photic solidification composite is conducted, and the anatomical shape of the tooth and its functional usefulness are restored back. This will help the tooth function in the natural way. The finished filling is ground and polished, thereby, achieving the invisibility of the complete restoration. The smoothness of the surface prevents the accumulation of bacterial plaque and microbial plaque. Nowadays different types and qualities of filling and tooth can be used, depending on your budget and advice of the patient.

In order to strengthen the enamel, fluoridation is indicated, which means that fluorine preparations are applied to the surface of the tooth. This increases the caries resistance of the enamel and prevents the development of tooth sensitivity.

The method of the vital extirpation of the pulp is very effective and has a large number of indications, and this method has become very popular in the world of dental practice. To get a professional advice on any dental issue, consult specialists here They can help you get treated with the problem of vital pulpectomy and will perform the procedure well so that patient does not suffer any further problem.