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A pivotal sporting event that will go down in British history, the 2012 Olympic Games are set to alter the country in more ways than one. With the word ‘Olympic’ originating from its connection with the Ancient Greek tradition, it is now used to describe anything of notable magnitude.

This means that many everyday occurrences and situations can be said to have ‘Olympic’ proportions and unfortunately this term applies to the disruption which is expected as a result of the upcoming games. Dealing with these potential problems is highly important and, for businesses, requires a great deal of forethought


1. Choose To Walk
An easy and obvious solution, walking to work is a great way to avoid the congestion which will inevitably be unleashed on London’s roads. This is only suitable for those who live in close proximity of their workplace but is still a viable solution for many.

2. Use Two Wheels, Not Four
Another solution is adjusting the mode of transport you use to travel, and substituting four wheels for two. Cycling is a great way to travel around London and is already an act which is heavily encouraged. Greater distances can be travelled in shorter time frames than those who travel on foot, making this a great option for those who live a little further from work.

3. Shop At Night
If you need to get vital business supplies then it might be worth shopping at later times rather than struggling with the hoards of daytime traffic. Many shops will offer extended opening hours during the Olympics to take advantage of this opportunity, so choice will not be limited.

4. Make Deliveries Later In The Day
Another great option for businesses is to make their deliveries later in the day, when there is less traffic about. Using a self storage facility to house important items and supplies allows them to be transported at any time of the day or night, ensuring that the Olympic Games do not interrupt everyday business transactions.
To take full advantage of this service, a self storage facility which offers 24hour access is needed and thankfully there are many of these available.

5. Work From Home
Official recommendations are that city dwellers should work from home rather than commuting during the Games. If this is a viable option then it should be adopted as quickly as possible to ensure productivity is not diminished or impaired.

Ultimiately, travel during the games will have inevitable pitfalls. That said, if it’s possible to make deliveries later in the day, use self storage, work from home, or cycle – Londoner’s lives will be easier!