If you’re a team member or coach, you understand the power of a mascot. Whether you’re a school team, amateur league or semi-pro/pro league, a mascot can help your cheerleaders and spirit team work up the crowd’s enthusiasm.

Good mascot actors wearing custom mascot costumes are a sure-fire crowd pleaser. When you get the right actor, one who is willing to act silly and get the crowd excited, you’ll find that not only the crowd shares the excitement. Any team will perform better when the spirit team and crowd are fueling their enthusiasm.

If you have a small organization, you may feel that custom mascot costumes are out of your reach, or you may not have considered custom mascot costumes at all. You will be surprised to learn how affordable costumes can be and what a wide range of choices you have in costume design.

Another misconception about custom mascot costumes is that they are uncomfortable and hard to maneuver in. When you buy a well-designed costume, your mascot actor will enjoy wearing it and find it comfortable and easy to move around in. While wearing something as large and bulky as a mascot costume can be hot, custom mascot costumes are designed to be as cool and comfortable as possible.

Maybe you haven’t considered a mascot costume because your team doesn’t have a mascot already designed. Designing a mascot costume is quite easy, and custom mascot costumes can be designed for any team.

Perhaps your team is something, like tennis or soccer, where custom mascots are not the norm. This is an even better reason to invest in custom mascot costumes, which will help your team stand out and help them feel more confident in their playing. You might also intimidate the other team a little when they don’t have custom mascot costumes and mascots firing up their audience.

One thing that keeps many teams from buying custom mascot costumes is feeling they don’t have anyone who will wear the costume and act silly. You would be surprised how many people are eager to be a team mascot. There’s nothing like making a fool of yourself, so to speak, when no one knows who you are because you’re inside one of many custom mascot costumes.

If you’re not sure who would be interested in the mascot position, ask around among friends and family of your team members, and consider placing an ad in your organization’s newsletter, if you have one, or on Craigslist. You’ll no doubt find several people willing to volunteer to be a mascot just for the reward of wearing custom mascot costumes and acting silly.

Teams have mascots for one reason. They work. They fire up the crowd, and the crowd fires up the team. If cheerleaders, spirit teams and mascots didn’t work, professional teams wouldn’t use them. School teams wouldn’t use them. They do work, and when you invest in professionally designed and created custom mascot costumes, you’ll see great results.

Kegan Hepburn is a second generation mascot. He recommends Loonie Times Mascot Character Productions 1720 Queen Street West Toronto, ON M6R 1B3 (416) 504-2146 to create an amazing custom mascot for any occasion.