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In business, there is no greater asset than happy employees. Today’s workforce looks for more from a company than location and good pay. They are now wiser and planning for their futures. While planning for their future, they take into consideration the “what if’s” of life. This could prove beneficial for a company when they need an employee that is responsible. This also means you must choose the right benefit package for your employees in order to attract the best possible workers.




Which Benefits to Choose?

With the competitive insurance market, a business owner can easily be overwhelmed by all the options. Unless you love looking at numbers and calculating costs, it can be tedious to muddle through the various packages available for your employees. While benefit packages seem standard, there are different coverage and costs involved, both by the company and employees.

When it comes to the type of benefits to choose, you will want to assure you cover the basics. Here are benefits that should be included in the package you choose:

  • Health Insurance
  • Dental Insurance
  • Vision
  • 401K
  • Life Insurance

If you are looking to hire responsible employees, these are the benefits that will attract them. They want to feel comfortable knowing they are protected by the company that has invested the time and money into training them. This creates a loyal employee that will continue to prove themselves as an asset.


How to Find a Benefit Package:

Unlike car insurance or homeowners insurance, finding the right benefit package for your employees takes time and research. You can use an insurance broker, search the internet, or call around the local insurance providers to see what is available and go over your option. Speaking to an insurance professional will more than likely be your best option, as they are more knowledgeable.

While searching for a package, shop around. As with any market, insurance is competitive. One provider may offer more for less. Be leery of any deals that seem too good to be true and be sure you choose a reputable provider. This will save any issues in the future with your employees filing a claim. Nothing damages an employee’s moral like receiving a hospital bill that should have been covered under their benefits package.

  While choosing the amount of coverage, take careful consideration to what is quoted. Having an expensive benefits package doesn’t always mean it is the best or offers more coverage. Also take into consideration how much it will cost your employees each payday as well as deductibles in case of emergencies.

You will also need to look closely at the restrictions and what is and is not covered. Many procedures that seem standard on most insurance may be a cosmetic procedure on others. Read each guideline carefully and choose the package that covers any procedures that may arise due to the nature of work your employees are involved in.

Choosing the right benefits package can make or break your employees. With the Millennial generation entering into the workforce, more consideration is taken into the type of work they are involved in, the benefits offered and whether they feel valued. A properly chosen benefits package can prove that.

Clayton Lawrence is a finance consultant and blogger for, a site he recommends for free term life insurance quotes.