Your logo gives the first impression of your business, so why would you want to stink up the place? Give yourself a professional and

solid logo that will up the ante for your business profile. As more aspects of a business migrate to the Web, through social media for example, a clear and crisp logo is often the only digital brand a potential client sees. Create a logo that stands out for all the right reasons, while avoiding these common pitfalls in logo design.
Too much
A logo that includes everything from your company contact information to multiple graphics is too busy to do you any good. Give customers something that will stick with them and attract their attention long enough that they want more information about your business. Think of it as a lady-in-waiting rather than a lady of the night. A logo should be basic and to the point with just enough detail to grasp your client’s attention.
Copyrighting all the way
Avoid clip art and stock images for your company logo. Stick with original designs created by a professional graphics design artist. You want a logo that you can copyright and protect from being used by other companies, art students and web designers. Additionally, when you create an in-house logo that’s made specifically for your company, the branding message is clear. Give yourself a true personality by launching a brand as unique as your business. You want your company’s image to reflect your business, so your brand is synonymous with the type of product you produce, like Kleenex is with facial tissues.
Mass market appeal
A logo that’s loud and busy is ignored by a potential client. After all, no one wants to look at something that’s screaming at them. Keep it fresh and simple, and use coloring that’ll look good on both a black and a white background. Your logo needs to be versatile. Stick with less than 5 colors total for your brand; three is best. Not only will this make it more economical to recreate your logo using printing on labels and products, it’ll also look better. A strong, solid logo is easily recognizable in grayscale, as well, so consider it when you’re working on your brand. When choosing a font size and type, go with something simple and bold, like a sans serif typeface. This style works best for individuals with vision issues, which is an important consideration when developing a globalized brand.
As you’re developing your logo, a consultation with a professional logo design company will give you exactly what you are looking for in a brand image. However, it’s important to understand the issues that can arise with bad logo design so you don’t fall into these traps. Additionally, by being on your A-game you prove to your logo design company that you’re professional and knowledgeable in all aspects of your business. This is essential, since ultimately, it’s your brand you’re building. You want the same image to be reflected to consumers.