I guess you could say I’ve been involved in-home improvement projects quite alot in my life. At this very minute my husband is finishing the drywall in our living room, and will soon be painting it. While it’s great to see the finished product, the process can be very messy.

Before tackling any kind of project involving your walls–even hanging a painting–make sure that you know what kind of wall you are dealing with. Some wall materials require special treatment and particular kinds of wall anchors in order to support an object hanging from it, and being careless can result in cracks or crumbling plaster.

cc licensed ( BY NC SA ) flickr photo shared by CAHairyBear

Gathering ideas
Spend some time in your neighborhood driving and walking through. You should have some idea about the kind of maintenance your new neighbors apply to their homes. If the area seems run down with overgrown yards and untidy homes, you will want to rethink moving into the area. Be careful not to come across as a nosy neighbour!

Creating a utility room in your original home design is a very smart idea. In this way you can put all of your utility appliances in one place. If you can keep your heating and cooling system, water heater, and electrical panel all in one conveniently located area, it will be easier to service them, and you will avoid wasting a lot of storage space by having them in separate areas of your home.

When you are making a home improvement that could affect the area around it, be sure to take proper care of the area. If you are painting, it is a good idea to lay a protective sheet down to protect flooring and furniture from paint splatters and spills. Make sure to cover any surfaces that you do not want scratched or damaged.

Renovation repairs
Assess the condition of the paint on the exterior of your home. Old paint that is peeling can make a house look run down, driving down its value. In this case, it would be worth the investment to repaint. New exterior paint can give an old house new life and add value to the house so that you can justify a higher offer from the buyer.

If you have repairs that need to be done on your apartment, and your landlord is not doing them, you can withhold your rent. While you do not have to pay rent for those months, you do have to place the money in an escrow account and write a certified letter to your landlord explaining why.

Make your renovation plans, then stick to them. Contractors become gun-shy about doing work when the owner constantly changes and tweaks the plans. Even though a huge renovation project seems easier when you break it up, piece-mealing it slows things down because the only thing workers can depend on is the plans changing.

Do your homework before starting to demolish. It might seem easy, even fun, to rush into a demolition and start cutting holes or ripping down walls. Always check first for electrical wires or components that are still attached. It might be too expensive to completely remove the structure, so it’s better to double check first.

Removing wall paper is something that may sound easy, but it actually takes some skill. You need to know what type of wallpaper you need to remove, and what type of wall you have. Based on the wallpaper you have, you then either need to dry-strip it or soak it and scrape it off. Make sure you do your research to determine what needs be done to remove the wallpaper you have.

Home renovations take planning, coordination and careful implementing to make sure they are done correctly you do not overspend. Take your time and perform the job is one step at a time. If you do the job systematically, you should end up with a better looking house you are proud of.

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