When people consider insurance, a lot of the basic options get considered. The likes of home insurance and car insurance have been around for a long time but whilst they undoubtedly perform a vital duty, they aren’t the only forms of protection which we should consider important.
With the rise of modern inventions, notably the internet, new properties have arisen that are just as
important as our cars and homes. This includes your online presence. The internet, for all its wonderful benefits, is not always the safest place. Hackers, identity thieves and other threats can be found online, so it’s important to insure yourself against these dangers. Whether it’s just your own personal profile online, or an account for your business, there are new areas that need to be considered.
Introducing social media insurance
This is where the benefits of Social Media Insurance come into play. Social Media Insurance is part of the ALLOW Protect Service and is designed to help reduce any damage caused to your online reputation.
As the name suggests, this is primarily done through social media. The likes of Facebook are becoming increasing popular and important. As they do so, so has the rate in which they are hacked; it is reported that up to 600,000 Facebook profiles can be hacked on a daily basis.
A lot of these may be harmless pranks, but sometimes there can be serious and lasting effects. Due to the increased important of such profiles and accounts, the damaging effects when someone else gains access, especially if they have a malicious or negative intent, can often be overwhelming.
For a personal account, this can ruin your image, often spreading false information through your own account. For companies, this hacking can damage your reputation. As a result, you can stand to lose customers and business.
What ALLOW Protect Service does?
In the case of hacking or a bad reputation online, social media insurance doesn’t award you money for your damages. Instead, it takes expensive and expert efforts to counter and remove the damage. This can be done through finding the source of the problem and removing it where legally possible; this often requires extensive legal knowledge and assistance that can otherwise be expensive to obtain.
Anything that can’t be removed can often be countered using a technique known as “reverse SEO”.
This process uses SEO, or Search Engine Optimisation, techniques, to bury anything that can’t be
destroyed. ‘Burying’ refers to the hiding of such information and pages by using an extensive understanding of search engines.
This two pronged attack ensures that, should someone search for you, they find your profile, rather than a list of negative criticism and misleading information. This makes sure the damage doesn’t have any lasting effects, such as discouraging potential new customers.
Other services
In addition to Facebook protection from hackers, other online services that you may want to invest in include the likes of e-mail shields, browser protection and social media monitors. In short, these services act much like insurance, providing you with cover and repairs when your online reputation or private information is damaged or stolen.
Hello, I’m Karol a 16 years old nerd that play with console, video games and MMO. I like social networking and I have been frustrated when my account has gone through some privacy problems that revealed some moment of my life that should have staid with my family only.