What are BirthStones

When you are thinking about choosing fine jewelry as a lovely gift for someone that you care about or you are thinking about purchasing something lovely for yourself, make sure that you consider jewelry with a birthstone theme. Birthstones are gems that are associated with the month that you were born in, and when you start thinking about it, the possibilities are endless!

Birthstone Tips

Start by taking a look at the various birthstones that are associated with your birth month. Depending on the chart that you choose to use, the answers will vary a bit. For example, December is a month with a wide variety of birthstones. Depending on the chart, it might be blue zircon, turquoise or even citrine, which is also often associated with November. Find out which stones are right for you and how you feel about them.

Ways To Use Birthstones

After you have learned a little bit more about what gems are associated with which month, think about the ways that you can use them. For example, the easiest way to embrace a birthstone is to simply wear it. If you have a January birthday, your birthstone is commonly held to be garnet. Garnets are a lovely deep red, and you can wear them in a number of different ways. If you have a warm skin tone, consider choosing a garnet ring set in gold. The red and the gold play off of each other very well. On the other hand, if you have a cooler complexion, set the red tones of the garnet off by using a platinum setting and wear your garnet as a pendent instead.

Great Idea for Gifts

Birthstones also make a fantastic gift for someone that you consider a close friend. If you have a relationship that spans years, or even decades, a gift of fine jewelry might be the perfect way for you to show how you feel. Consider finding out what your friend’s birthstone is and then choosing a piece of jewelry that uses both of your birthstones together. For example, if your friend was born in October, with an opal for a birthstone, you can combine it with your own May birthstone, the emerald. An opal ring with small chips of emerald to either side can ably represent your friendship.

Birthstone jewelry is also a great choice for a parent. For example, you can simply pick up a slender ring that has been inset with the birthstone of your child right after the child is born. If you have other children, choose a ring for each child, with the stone corresponding to the child’s birth date. Rings are just one way to go, however. You will discover that one way to incorporate this type of design into a piece of jewelry is to pick a pendant. A pendant set with the birthstones of your children means that you keep them very close to your heart!

When you are looking for the right jewelry that will work for your birthstone, remember to take your own skin tone into account. Some people will not look as good while wearing certain types of stone, but this can be easily mitigated through the use of metals. Look at the setting of the stone that you have chosen, and remember that the setting is what is going to be right next to your skin. If you have a warmer complexion with lots of gold, for example, choose rose gold, gold or copper.

Birthstones are a fantastic theme for your next fine jewelry purchase, so consider how you can use yours or that of your family and friends in your final choice.

Aston Royal Jewelry has a large selection of birthstone jewelry to choose from, including the perfect piece of birtstone jewelry for you. To find unique birthstone jewelry for you or your loved one be sure to check out our site!