Ski wear is highly important to use when going skiing. This is because the temperatures can get extremely cold whilst you are high up in the Alps in places such as Italy, Switzerland and France – even when the sun is shining. Some of the ski wear you are advised to use are: thermals, coats, gloves, hats, scarves, ski goggles, helmets, ski socks and loads more.
Wearing helmets whilst skiing is very sensible and important – especially to those who have never skied before, such as beginners. Experts highly advise you to wear them in case of a serious accident whilst skiing. The risks of not wearing a helmet are very high; some of these risks could be that of a serious head injury. If you wear a helmet it can decrease the risk any of these serious injuries from happening, even if the young teens are worried they are not in fashion, a variety of designs and colours to suit are available to purchase.
It is advised that you wrap up well whilst skiing to prevent catching a cold or even pneumonia. Temperatures can drop to minus degrees very quickly in the Alps without any warning; this could be very dangerous, especially to younger children or the elderly. It is vitally important that you dress to the occasion, such as thermals which keep your whole body warm. On top of that you wear layers of clothes to keep your blood circulating around the body. It is then recommended to wear a big thick coat to keep extra warm whilst up in the mountains, even layers of socks, so it is advisable you get a bigger size ski boots so your feet will fit in the shoes. You must wear gloves to keep your hands warm whilst skiing, this is important because you are holding the poles as you come down from the slope so it will get increasingly colder as the breeze will catch you on the way down. Hand warmers are a great idea that last a few hours.
Ski goggles/ glasses are just as important whilst skiing, the main reason people wear them is to keep the sun or snow out of their eyes, if there is a very strong blizzard or strong sun rays whilst you are skiing it is recommended you wear eye protection to not only protect your eyes but also avoid causing hazards amongst the ski slopes.
Frances Rinhs shares her interest on ski wear on behalf of Winfields Ltd