The Ins and Outs of Cigar Bars
Cigar bars are a great place to relax with friends or network with associates. The atmosphere is friendly and comfortable, there’s no alcohol clouding judgment, and they even provide alternate smoking options such as little cigars. Even if you’re not a cigar aficionado you can still have a great time, and here’s a bit of knowledge to help you.
Why Choose a Cigar Bar?
The best reason to enjoy time in a cigar bar, as opposed to simply smoking at home, is that you have available to you a huge selection. Not only are they all right there for you to see and smell but there’s a knowledgeable staff to tell you all about them and they’re kept fresh by special humidors, which store them at the same temperature and humidity they were created in.
Instead of buying a business associate a cigar, after guessing what they like, only to have it dry out, simply take them to a bar. The bar carries all the supplies they could possibly need in a great and relaxing atmosphere.
Do They Carry Other Items?
Yes! Many cigar shops also offer:
• Little cigars and filtered cigars – Some of these are made with highly processed tobacco and lots of synthetic and unnatural additives and wrapped in brown paper. A real cigar is made of tobacco leaves wrapped around dried cigar tobacco; little cigars should have similar ingredients.
• Pipe tobacco – The humidors which keep the cigars fresh also keep the high quality pipe tobacco fresh. And, just like cigars, these shops carry a huge variety.
• Hookah – Most shops won’t carry these, but they are becoming increasingly popular and are worth knowing about. A Hookah pipe is used for smoking special flavored tobacco called Shisha. Most Hookahs are made of glass and as your breath in the smoke it travels down a long glass pipe, through water, and then through a hose which can be passed around while the Hookah remains stationary. Hookahs originated in India, and are a large part of traditional culture in Turkey. Smoking a Hookah can be a fun thing to do with friends or business associates who like to smoke and want to try something new and cultured.
How Do I Pick a Cigar?
Ask the employees. Tell them what you do and don’t like, and they’ll give you a few recommendations. The best way to pick from these recommendations is your own personal sense of smell; whichever smells the best to you will probably also taste that way. Take note of the cigars you enjoy, enjoy socializing, and you may have a new place to unwind.
Patrick Whalen is a part of an elite team of writers who have contributed to hundreds of blogs and news sites. Follow him @2patwhalen.