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While it may be simple to most, to understand the passage of time, in fact to understand time itself, is not something most people will contemplate nor undertake. After all not every person imagines the world as Einstein did. Time, while applicable to all and cursorily understood by few, is misunderstood by most and misused by even more. To understand time in a manner that is consistent with its effects it is necessary to decompose time into three factors: space, thought and value. Each are touched upon in turn.

Space is usually understood to be the vast expanse beyond our atmosphere. However, for the purpose of this discussion, space is taken as the distance between two reference points. Space is the natural requirement for passage of light or any other matter. Space and time are inextricably related. As speed to cover the space increases, time slows down. This is different from the issue of speed and time, this is the crux of the Theory of Relativity.

Moving Form the mathematical approach to time, we look at the metaphysical description of it. The faster one works, the faster one is able to accomplish things, however the speed of thought is related to this and it yields something more complex.  Complex thoughts require multiple steps to accomplish. Foundations of the thought need to be laid and each layer needs to be laid down before a cogent and coherent thought can emerge. People like Hawking and Einstein practiced this sorts of time traveling thought patterns, which is why they could accomplish more in one life time than most else.

As thought reaches fruition it takes on an energy of its own that is turned to reality. This reality is what can attract value or otherwise. If one uses time wisely and the fruits of one’s thoughts can be turned to profitable actions then the accumulation of these fruitful actions will benefit them. If however, the passage of time is filled with vagrant and useless idle, then the result is commensurate with the effort. Either way it is the intensity of effort per unit of time that allows success to take shape. Time must be mastered, and must be bent to each individuals awe. It must be used constantly to yield results and it must be used wisely for those results to yield value.

Thus, from time flows physical gain and value. It has been drastically simplified here but the essence is clear that when time and its passage are understood, its value comes forth for those who desire it. Wasting time by inefficient folly is the path to nowhere, destined for doom.

Writer and editor Harri Jussila focuses on time management and stress management as a way to help others acheive their goals in life.